Jeff Brown
Jeff is from the Space Coast of Florida, graduating from the University of Florida with a Bachelor of Science in Forestry in 1989 and an Associate of Forest Technology in 1984 from the Lake City Community College.
He started Forest Resource Professionals, LLC, a full-service forestry consulting company, in 2003. His firm operates primarily in the midlands of South Carolina. Jeff is a SC Registered Forester, a Society of American Foresters Certified Forester, and a SC Certified Prescribed Fire Manager.
Jeff was first employed by the SC Forestry Commission as a county forester. He then moved into the forest industry with Westvaco, working with private landowners in their CFM Program. He eventually worked as a Staff Forester for the Southern Woodlands Manager and then returned to the field prior to moving into private forestry consulting.
Over the years, Jeff has held leadership positions in the Association of Consulting Foresters (past Chairman), SC Foresters Council (past Chairman), the SC Prescribed Fire Council, and the American Tree Farm System. Jeff was awarded the National Field Leadership Award and the George D. Kessler Inspector of the Year Award from the Tree Farm Program and has served as Chairman of the State Committee.
He is a Gideon and a very active member of Blaney Baptist Church, where he serves as a Deacon and substitute Sunday school teacher. Jeff is married (Debbie) and has two adult children (Kalyn and Justin) and one granddaughter (Willow).