Ask Philip Mead
Robeson 702
Robeson 702 is located in eastern Robeson County in a quiet rural setting surrounded by large private land holdings managed for timber and recreational use. The upland forested acreage consists of a 17-year-old pine plantation that has been recently thinned. This provides proper spacing and maximizes annual growth for continued revenue streams with proper forest management. Multiple decking areas could be easily converted into wildlife food plots with very little cost. The bottomland adds a rich diversity of habitat for turkey and deer; the White Oak Swamp and Big Swamp Creek confluence is on this property.
This is an excellent opportunity to own a tract of land with very diverse natural attributes in a private setting.
- Wetland
- Excellent Access
- Trails and Roads
- Merchantable Timber
- Potential Building Sites
- Diverse Wildlife Habitat
- Productive Upland Timberland