Reagan Odom
Reagan grew up in Long County, Georgia, on land owned by her family for over 100 years. She graduated from Savannah Christian Preparatory School and earned the Bachelor of Business Administration in International Business degree from the University of Georgia. Reagan is a Licensed Customs Broker and has over 12 years of experience in international logistics. She currently serves on the Board of Directors for Coastal Electric Cooperative, providing electric service to over 20,000 members in Bryan, Liberty, Long, and McIntosh counties. She, her husband Cale, and their daughter Scottie live in Shellman Bluff, GA, and are members of the Shellman Bluff Baptist Church. Reagan is involved in managing her family's timber and investment properties across several counties in South Georgia, as well as investment tracts owned by her and her husband. Reagan is actively involved in her church and community and enjoys spending time with family, boating, and fishing along the Georgia coast.